Pat Robertson= Pocket. Everyone Else, Support Haiti

Had to revive the Hold My Pocket for this one. Right now there are two evils when it comes to disaster relief in Haiti: fake relief organizations that steal money… and Pat Robertson.

PR blames the earthquake on Haiti’s “pact with the devil” it made during the Haitian Revolution. He clearly never read The Black Jacobins. Doesn’t even sound like he did a wikipedia search.

But this is indicative of a bigger problem. This is a time for humanity to band together, and individuals like PB use this to advance their own agenda. In this case, the perverted and distorted “christian right” (oh no, it doesn’t get a capital C in my book).

If you’re Christian (or Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist or Human), you know that LOVE is the primary objective. Nothing about PR spells love.

Initially I proposed two steps for having a positive impact in Haiti:

1) donate money and get everyone you know to donate money

2) organize volunteer efforts in a few weeks when it becomes feasible for masses of volunteers to enter Haiti

And now I’m proposing a third:
Actively boycott ignorance like PR.

PR= Pocket *Expletive*. But don’t waste your time on him. Donate. Here’s how:

2 responses to “Pat Robertson= Pocket. Everyone Else, Support Haiti

  1. Without defending Pat Roberston in any way, do you realize that the plight of those caught in the arthquake in Port-au-Prince is no different than the plight of most of the people of Haiti for the past few decades? You’re all fired up to help now, but a year from now when the Presidential Palace has been rebuilt, you’ll forget all about the villagers who have to bathe in the same streams they defecate in thanks to their corrupt government.

    The Haitian government doesn’t want “masses of volunteers” to enter Haiti. They want people like you to donate money so they can line their pockets with it. So be careful who you donate to. I suggest groups such as Doctors Without Borders that use their own personnel and don’t work through local Haitian proxies.

  2. Sanityinjection- you leave some great points. I agree. Here’s a list of some of the best organizations to donate to:

    I would also encourage anyone going to volunteer (months from now, not today), to hook up with these same organizations.

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